So.. I was looking at some cool javascript libraries that edit PDF’s – and I was blown away! I’ll make a post after I have something to show – but this reminded me of something I did almost 10 years ago with an older open source library called iTextSharp – something originally created in Java and then ported to c#. It was for a one-time project and when I opened it up many many years ago – I realized that I had a backup plan if the javascript just didn’t cut it (or if my IIS hosting stack didn’t properly implement it) I’d have this as a backup in my back pocket.
Here’s the public repo:
There’s not a lot to say except that my original use case was heavy on copying individual pages around and filling forms – so the functionality of this library was not fully utilized – there’s functionality that allowed for images and QR codes to be inserted – and that was cool to play with it again. It’s a plain-ol-windows app – have fun!