Hone – taking time to sharpen skills.
When I was young, I helped get firewood from the “bush” (known as forest to non-northerners). It was a pretty straightforward process: cut dry dead trees into firebox sizes, and haul them to a woodpile. The problem was, you couldn’t do it all day – chainsaws would inevitably need to be sharpened – and so there was a rythm – you cut, sharpen, haul, cut sharpen haul and repeat until it got dark.. When I was too small to operate a chainsaw – the sharpening time was the helpers opportunity to explore and play. As with many kinds of life – there’s a rythm – all work and no play makes Jo a dull – we need the time to hone the skills – to play to breath and to explore. Here are the Hone’s I’ve written over time:
- C# PDF fun…So.. I was looking at some cool javascript libraries that edit PDF’s – and I was blown away! I’ll make a post after I have something to show – but this reminded me of something I did almost 10 years ago with an older open source library called iTextSharp – something originally created in Java and then ported to c#. It was for a one-time project and when I opened it up many many years ago – I realized that I had a backup plan if the javascript just didn’t cut it (or if my IIS hosting stack didn’t properly …
- C.R.U.D. & More!!!!When I was a kid – crud was stuff that got stuck in the sink and needed a brush to remove – today we work with something much more positive! Create, Read, Update and Delete – is the basic building blocks of truly functional web sites and I was ready to see what I could do with VueJs. I’ve been around the block a couple times and like real life – it expanded to fill the needs that goes beyond basic CRUD examples you see out there and dips it’s toes into “real life” issues – like authentication, permissions, mobile-first …
- JWT – Json Web Tokens – a little exampleI’d read about JWT over the years – but all the frameworks I’d been working in had their own thing going and I never had a chance to dive into it a bit and try it myself. But I’m curious and I had some frontend tech I was learning so I decided to get my “hands dirty” and build something. Here’s my short story around building a duo: an HTML5 frontend paired with a .NET 4.7 backend demonstrating JSON Web Token authentication, generation, and basic use cases. Frontend I’m exploring Vue3, Vite and Pinia and Jason Watmore’s was by far …